
Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide an emotional and psychological wellbeing support service for young people aged 11-25 and parents. This is delivered through quality-controlled counselling, a supported online programme and community outreach activities. Clients should be connected to West Berkshire (resident, in education/training, working or registered with a GP there). This service is free at the point of delivery and helps our clients deal with their specific challenges in a sustainable and confidential way.

Our Values

We follow the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy’s Ethical Framework and our counselling services are fully accredited by BACP.

Make a donation

If you would like to make a donation to help vulnerable young people in West Berkshire, please click here to donate and find out more about how your money makes a difference:

We're here to help
so please get in touch.

If you need support and/or want to find out more please email us at hello@t2twb.org.

Referral Form Help

If you would like instructions for our referral form, please click here.

By completing our referral form you are agreeing with our GDPR policies which you can find here.