
Get Help

To access our service you must

  • be between 11-25 years old or a parent/carer AND
  • work, live, go to school or be registered at a GP in West Berkshire

We are not an emergency service, if your need is urgent you can

  • Contact your GP or Visit A&E
  • Text ‘Shout’ to 85258 – they will get back to you via text
  • Call the Samaritans free on 116 123

Counselling Locations

Broadway House – Every Weekday
Thatcham Hub – Wednesday & Thursday Evening
Lambourn Surgery – Tuesday Early Evening
Hungerford Surgery – Thursday Early Evening
Woolton Hill Surgery – Wednesday Early Evening

Counselling for Young People

Counselling is a confidential conversation with a trained professional who can help you to understand yourself and what has happened to you better and find ways forward that work for you personally.

Sessions will be with the same counsellor at the same time each week, for up to 12 weeks. Sessions can be delivered face to face, via telephone, or online over Teams.

If you are referring someone else, then please ensure that the person you are referring is open and willing to attend counselling. We have very limited success with young people who do not desire counselling for themselves. We understand that you may feel counselling will be beneficial but if the time is not right for the young person themselves, counselling is not likely to help.

Please note although we specialise in one to one counselling, we are not able to provide specialised support in any specific field.

Please ensure you enter the details of the phone number and email you wish us to make contact on, either parent/carer or young person.

If you request counselling in a particular location this may mean a longer wait, please also be aware that not all locations are available every day.

Counselling for Parents

Counselling is a confidential conversation with a trained professional who can help you to understand yourself and what has happened to you better and find ways forward that work for you personally.

Sessions will be with the same counsellor at the same time each week, for up to 12 weeks. Sessions can be delivered face to face, via telephone, or online over Teams.

Online Support for Young People
(11-25 year olds)

We are able to offer an online self-help platform offering different programmes to suit your interest and needs. The platform offers you therapy that you can complete in your own time and at your own pace. It can help you to think and behave differently and can teach you tools and skills to break unhelpful patterns. When you sign up you will be assigned a Time to Talk supporter that can help you with your journey.

Online Support for Parents

The parenting programme can offer you time to stop and reflect. It can give you ideas and strategies to help your child with anxiety.  You can also gain insight on how best to respond effectively as a parent and help your child to break cycles of anxiety. The programme also offers you an online mentor that can guide you through the programme.

Not sure which is the right option for you?

Click Here to find your best option

How we’ve helped

Just some of the positive feedback we've received...

How we’ve helped

Just some of the positive feedback we've received...

How we’ve helped

Just some of the positive feedback we've received...

How we’ve helped

Just some of the positive feedback we've received...

How we’ve helped

Just some of the positive feedback we've received...

Make a donation

If you would like to make a donation to help vulnerable young people in West Berkshire, please click here to donate and find out more about how your money makes a difference:

We're here to help
so please get in touch.

If you need support and/or want to find out more please email us at hello@t2twb.org 

If you feel you would benefit from our service, please fill in our online referral form:

Referral Form Help

If you would like instructions for our referral form, please click here.

By completing our referral form you are agreeing with our GDPR policies which you can find here.

Referral Form Help

If you would like instructions for our referral form, please click here.

By completing our referral form you are agreeing with our GDPR policies which you can find here.

Referral Form Help

If you would like instructions for our referral form, please click here.

By completing our referral form you are agreeing with our GDPR policies which you can find here.